AACSB accreditation: HHL successfully reaccredited in 2019
HHL guarantees high international standards
We are pleased to announce HHL’s successful reaccreditation by AACSB. The Board of Directors of AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) confirmed the recommendation to reaccredit HHL issued by the team of international experts in 2019. This makes us the first private German business school to obtain the seal of approval for the fourth time. In 2004, HHL was the first private German business school to undergo this review by international standards.
For more information please take a look at our current accreditations and rankings.
The AACSB review process
The review, which takes place every five years, focuses on the innovative power, the effects of the latest research findings on practice as well as the academic and professional commitment of the faculty. The AACSB accreditation assesses the advancement of the entire business school, the continuous development of all of its study programs and the students’ learning progress.
“The international AACSB accreditation is indispensable especially for our students. It allows us to show our industry partners that our graduates are being prepared at the highest level for their tasks as future executives. HHL has once again proven that it meets very high and stringent standards in research and instruction while continuing to advance as a school.” – Anne Höpfner, Quality Manager at HHL
The three-day visit of AACSB at HHL Leipzig
The international team of AACSB scientists led by Kai Peters, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Business & Law of Coventry University, had the opportunity to learn about HHL’s strategic reorientation on location during their three-day visit in September 2018. As a part of that visit, the experts were also introduced to SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator.
In addition to HHL, only ten other business schools in Germany meet the international AACSB standards of highest quality in management education.