HHL Dean’s List Scholarship for Master in Management Student
David Muuss receives HHL Dean’s List Scholarship
This interview was first published in April 2020.
The HHL Dean’s List Scholarship is a unique scholarship for outstanding prospective students applying for the Master in Management programs. The scholarship not only honors outstanding academic achievements but also looks for students with a visible passion for shaping the future.
Encouraging responsible leadership
In line with HHL’s mission to educate entrepreneurial, responsible and effective business leaders, the Dean’s List Scholarship places a conscious focus on supporting high potential students in their educational journey and beyond.
We congratulate David Muuss on receiving this year’s Dean’s List Scholarship and welcome him to the HHL Community! David finished his Bachelor in Business Administration at Universität Mannheim and will be starting his full-time Master in Management (M.Sc.) at HHL in the fall of 2020.
In this interview, he talks about his personal educational journey so far and why the idea to apply to HHL was first introduced to him during his semester abroad in Spain.
HHL offered exactly the interaction- and consultancy-focused approach I was looking for.
What motivated you to continue your studies at HHL?
During my bachelor’s degree at the University of Mannheim, I spent a semester abroad at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain, where I had the pleasure of meeting a current HHL Student who shared the majority of my courses with me and most of my work groups, too.
Upon seeing how much I enjoyed the interactive style of teaching and the hands-on approach he urged me to have a look at HHL and really got me in interested in finding out more about the “HHL Spirit”, as he called it. The more he told me and the more I researched myself, I quickly realized that HHL offered exactly the approach I was looking for – interaction- and consultancy-focused– and applying became my top priority.
You are currently doing a Gap Year and taking part in an interesting pilot project. What does this project entail?
I am currently participating in the Gap Year program of the University of Mannheim, a pilot project which aims to offer bachelor graduates the chance to further their careers through online courses with the Mannheim Business School, a closer connection to professors and further practical experience through multiple internships.
I chose to focus on Mergers & Acquisitions and managed to gain insights into every part of the Due Diligence process. My current internship is in Stuttgart with Ernst&Young.
You decided to make the switch from the University of Mannheim to HHL Graduate School of Management. What convinced you that this would be the right decision for you?
I believe that a solid foundation of knowledge needs to be practically applied throughout the studies – ideally through direct interaction with the professor and group projects or case studies.
At large public universities, the teaching style becomes more lecture-driven. However, I believe that to be well prepared for a career in management consulting this switch puts me on the right track.
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What does receiving the Dean’s Scholarship mean for you personally and looking at your future?
First and foremost, I see it as a significant gesture of appreciation that motivates me to surpass the expectations set in me and I have of myself. By enabling me to focus entirely on my studies and taking away monetary pressure it also gives me peace of mind. In addition, the opportunity to be mentored by Prof. Dr. Stubner is a huge privilege.
What expectations do you have for Leipzig as a place to live and study in? Anything you are looking forward to?
Leipzig is a beautiful city with a rich history and well positioned for traveling in the region. I have previously been to Leipzig’s museums on various occasions and now I’m looking forward to having the opportunity of visiting them any time, a personal favorite of mine is the Museum of Fine Arts.
I am also very excited to connect with my peers, through various events held by HHL that I have participated in so far. I can’t wait to participate in this stimulating atmosphere.
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What would you recommend to fellow students looking for a master’s program? What should they focus on?
I believe the key word is “prioritization”. When looking for a master’s degree there are so many options that offer entirely different things and it’s important to know one’s preferences. When you’re certain as to “what” and “how” you want to study the “where” will be much easier to answer.
For me personally, it was clear I wanted to study at HHL due to all the previously mentioned reasons. Therefore, I was able to prepare everything in advance – things like taking the GMAT, writing essays and participating in admission days require time and focus – but with a true interest in the program, it becomes fun!

Hello, I'm Jana. I have been working for HHL for almost 20 years and know the DNA of our university very well. As the Director of Program Marketing I´m here for you to answer all questions about our Master's programs, including the General Management Track, our Finance Track and Entrepreneurship Track. Feel free to reach out to me. I am more than happy to assist!