Start-up Story: Dr. Jenny Müller from DIE FRISCHEMANUFAKTUR
Dr. Jenny Müller – Founder and Managing Director at DIE FRISCHEMANUFAKTUR
“After having debated about it for four years,” as HHL alumna Dr. Jenny Müller (PhD) still remembers, “I finally decided to start up my own business called DIE FRISCHEMANUFAKTUR in 2017.” The reason behind this was the fact that Jenny could no longer close her eyes on huge amounts of fresh food going to waste and finally knew “what is needed today are ideas with a social impact, such as improving the shelf life of fresh-cut fruit so that less food has to be thrown away in stores.”
Makings use of food otherwise gone to waste
And from this idea her start-up was born offering fresh and healthy food to-go in the shape of fruit salads. After two years into the journey and a few setbacks due to various changes of producers, DIE FRISCHEMANUFAKTUR created the so-called LIEBLINGSWASSER (favorite water), which entered the market in December 2019 at the airport in Frankfurt.
It’s really great to see that we’ve created a product that people truly wanted and are enjoying.
LIEBLINGSWASSER – Naturally flavored water
The LIEBLINGSWASSER comes in various styles such as pineapple-sage, black- berry-lemongrass and cranberry-rosemary and can be bought online or in supermarkets. Since the development of the new product, the business recently moved to Halle (Saale) and their team also grew to eight people overall, “which makes this an even more exciting new step,” Jenny says. What’s different to the previous product? Jenny explains that “our customers immediately see that the fruity taste of the different waters stems from the natural herbs and fruits that are in it. There isn’t much marketing or explanation needed to sell the water.”
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Creating a product that focuses on the customer’s well-being
When asking Jenny what she is truly happy about, she mentions: “It’s really great to see that we’ve created a product that people truly wanted and are enjoying. With our delicious water we are encouraging others to drink enough on a daily basis and while doing so they are treating their bodies and souls with something healthy and good.” At the end, she shares that she would recommend others who may also be facing struggles “to just keep going even when it gets tough because there is always a solution out there and things will turn around again.”