HHL’s Master in Management at top of Financial Times Ranking 2019
Financial Times Ranking 2019 Gives Top Rating to HHL´s Master in Management Program
Graduates from HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management have the best prerequisites to obtain top positions with high salaries internationally. This is the result of the Financial Times Global Masters in Management Ranking 2019.
Top Ranking Positions for Salary and Career Service
According to the 2019 ranking table, HHL graduates earn salaries on the average which occupy 4th place in Europe and 6th place worldwide three years after completing their program at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. The renowned FT ranking also found HHL’s Career Service to be one of the best, placing it 6th worldwide.
“Our course for the future [contains] focusing on new technologies, competent leadership and sustainable entrepreneurship.”
HHL’s Master Program: #2 in Germany, #24 worldwide
Overall, the master program of Germany’s first business school is ranked 2nd in Germany and 24th in the world in 2019. This means the renowned private university improved its position by another nine places compared to the previous year. HHL finished ahead of a large number of reputable international universities.
Says HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner,
“We are constantly working on optimizing our business school to be able to offer our students a superb education. We are, therefore, thrilled to find our Master in Management program among the world’s leaders in this significant FT ranking. The acknowledgement of the quality of our education motivates us to continue on our course for the future which we have set for ourselves focusing on new technologies, competent leadership and sustainable entrepreneurship.”
The FT Global Masters in Management Ranking
The FT Global Masters in Management Ranking 2019, which assesses 100 business schools, is considered to be one of the most comprehensive and significant of its kind internationally for Master in Management programs. The ranking combines data from two surveys. One polls alumni from the universities who graduated three years ago. The other one uses information provided by the universities themselves, such as diversity of the student body or internationality of the programs.
“I found the Career Service most helpful as it established valuable contacts with top consulting firms.”
HHL graduate Carolin Schäfer, who now works as Senior Consultant and Co-Leader of the “Digital” practice group at Volkswagen Consulting, says about her time at HHL,
“HHL’s management program prepared me very well for my position today as a business consultant. Particularly the group work, the student consulting project and classes like ‘Problem Solving and Communication’ provided me with a clear understanding of what counts on the job. Moreover, I found the Career Service most helpful as it established valuable contacts with top consulting firms.”