“New Work” in Hackathon at Porsche
HHL collaborates with Porsche Digital Lab and CODE University for Hackathon
Within the framework of the Corporate Innovation seminar of the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Family Business at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, a hackathon took place on the topic of “New Work”. In collaboration with the Porsche Digital Lab and the newly founded CODE University from Berlin, 30 participants had the opportunity to develop proposals for innovative solutions for industrial engineering in 2030 and initial technical solutions.
Collaboration with Porsche Digital Lab and CODE University Berlin
Kick-off was on March 28, 2018 at the site of the Porsche plant in Leipzig where participants could get some insight in the company and engage with staff. During the following morning, the students worked in three groups covering the topics: Collaboration@Porsche, Services@Porsche and Digital Leadership Coach. The vibrant mix of management and IT students closely supported by the coaches present as well as the Porsche staff created a unique, dynamic and inspiring atmosphere, and initial ideas on problem-solution approaches were quickly discovered.
Participants receive immediate feedback from Porsche staff
At the end of the hackathon, the teams presented their results and received immediate feedback from the industry partners. Additional workshops within the framework of the Corporate Innovation seminar will take place during the next few weeks to develop and fine-tune ideas. Applications will be implemented and tested. A final presentation at the Porsche Digital Lab is being planned
Master Students share their opinions
Enthusiastic opinions on the Hackathon from the class of Master in Management 2018:
Florian Fischer: „The Corporate Innovation Seminar is a great way to gain insights into the daily work of our cooperation partner Porsche AG. Especially the chance to work on solutions that may actually be implemented is very exciting!”
Bennett Ellerbrock: „The Corporate Innovation Seminar is a great way to combine our project and strategy-based thinking with the digital expertise of the code university in order to create the biggest value for the client.”
Lisa Bubner: „This hackathon is a real hands-on experience that gives us the chance to not only be close to nice Porsche cars, but also to get an understanding of how business is done in a successful German premium car manufacturer. Working in close cooperation with Porsche AG but also Porsche Digital Lab adds a new perspective to our studies, which is truly enriching. “

Hello, I'm Jana. I have been working for HHL for almost 20 years and know the DNA of our university very well. As the Director of Program Marketing I´m here for you to answer all questions about our Master's programs, including the General Management Track, our Finance Track and Entrepreneurship Track. Feel free to reach out to me. I am more than happy to assist!