Student Consulting Projects 2021
Student Consulting Projects 2021
Student Consulting Projects are an important element of studying at HHL. Students run these “field projects” independently while receiving coaching from a respective Chair. Many well-known large cooperations, medium-sized companies and start- ups have already benefitted from the results of HHL’s student consulting projects. This cooperation format is offered to companies that look for fresh ideas, profound research and sound solutions on current management challenges.
The following selected examples offer a more detailed look into current projects. For the full overview please find the comprehensive project list below.
Selected Consulting Projects
Microscopy and spectrometry in the palm of your hand
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler, Chair of Financial Management
anvajo, a spin-off diagnostics company from Dresden University of Technology, is a developer and manufacturer of point-of-care solutions for the diagnostic testing of liquids. With more than 50 employees, anvajo is currently covering ten European markets and will enter the APAC region in Q2 2021. Instructed by the Head of Business Development Niclas Matthias (PMSc8) and supervised by the Chair of Financial Management, a team of four HHL students has now been tasked with the preparation of a U.S. market entry strategy.
On the basis of structured expert interviews and comprehensive desk research, the team is evaluating market structures and their different players, customer behavior and expectations as well as selected topics on U.S.-specific marketing and branding. This project provides a fantastic opportunity for the students to dive deep into a mission- critical business challenge and to support anvajo as they strategize on the next step of their future expansion strategy.
Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship
Have you ever dreamed of studying in a place like Hogwarts, the college in the movie Harry Potter? Some of us did! This aspiration has initiated a cooperation between the Leipziger Stadtbau AG as project partner and the Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship as supervising chair. At the moment, a place like Hogwarts, where students have the possibility to study, learn and live in one place, does not exist in Germany. But a variety of historical and prestigious properties is located in Central Germany and they are mostly unused.
HHL students of the MSc21 class examine the general need and feasibility of such an educational institution in Germany. The students follow a two-fold approach by conducting various analyses and qualitative research. Based on those findings, important parameters for the project are defined. The final goal of the consulting project is to design a profitable business model for an educational concept like Hogwarts. And maybe one day, studying in a place like Hogwarts becomes reality.
How effective reporting leads to better decisions
Chair of Accounting and Auditing
A team of four MSc21 students is working on a student consulting project with Schüco Polymer Technologies KG. Together with CFO Dirk Schneider (K20), Project Manager Denny Nack (MSc13) and supported by the Chair of Accounting and Auditing, the HHL student consultants analyze the existing reporting landscape. In addition, state-of-the-art technologies are assessed to fulfil the project goal to conceptualize a reporting structure that is ready for the future. This enables effective internal information across the key corporate functions.
The future of building construction
Chair of Accounting and Auditing
A team of five MSc21 students is working on a student consulting project with Technische Universität Dresden (Technical University Dresden). Supported by the Chair of Accounting and Auditing, the HHL student consultants develop a market entry study for an innovative building construction material: carbon reinforced concrete. If introduced to market, this innovative material could be a game-changer in construction industry as it is resource-efficient, non-corrosive, allows slim-construction and has a comparably good CO2 footprint.
Innovation management benchmark
Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship
In cooperation with Porsche AG as project partner and the Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship as supervising chair, HHL students of the MSc21 class are conducting an innovation management benchmark among different companies from various industries and are having thereby diverse innovation management approaches.
The goal of this project is to get an in-depth understanding of innovation management in companies and to identify best practices. Based on insights from the explorative approach, students also aim to provide Porsche recommendations on how to improve the company’s innovation management efforts. This joint project emphasizes the strong and long-standing partnership between the Porsche AG and HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
Development possibilities of compensation models to strengthen employer brand
Chair of Marketing Management and Sustainability
The Chair of Marketing Management and Sustainability was able to initiate a new student consult- ing project this year. Three HHL students are working together with KVM-GA, a subsidiary and service provider of Allianz SE to obtain development possibilities of compensation models in order to strengthen the attractiveness of the employer. Especially in these fast-changing times, substantial compensation models are becoming increasingly important for companies to acquire trained professionals. The chair is therefore eagerly awaiting the final presentation of the group’s project.
Overview Student Consulting Projects 2021