Study Abroad During The Pandemic at La Salle Barcelona
Johannes Leonhard Hauschild on his time in Barcelona
The global pandemic posed a new challenge when it came time for HHL’s students to go abroad. Would they still be able to spend a semester abroad, discover a new culture and meet other students in person? Luckily, many students were able to safely travel and are now back to share their experiences with us.
What is the most inspiring learning experience abroad you have had until today?
Due to the diversity of international students in the lectures at La Salle Barcelona a variety of country-specific contributions regarding business topics are shared. Thereby, my knowledge collected at HHL as well as my know-how from practice is further enriched through getting a better understanding of the challenges and viewpoints of players in foreign economies.
What is/was the most impressive cultural experience?
As the cosmopolitan and diverse capital of Catalonia, Barcelona offers cultural diversity with a wide range of art by Picasso and Mediterranean architecture, especially by Antoni Gaudí. For me, the city’s special flair originates from the welcoming cheerfulness and lightness of its inhabitants as well as from the lived openness towards international visitors that I get to experience every day.
or me, the city’s special flair originates from the welcoming cheerfulness and lightness of its inhabitants as well as from the lived openness towards international visitors that I get to experience every day.
How has your stay in Barcelona helped you to expand your network?
I am happy to have met a lot of great, open-minded and encouraging people and friends whose company I do not want to miss in the future and who I will keep in touch with definitely. Moreover, some of them are not solely students but also already working in companies around the world. Thereby, fruitful discussions about business ideas, job experiences and job decisions flared up frequently, adding value to my stay on a professional level.
How has HHL supported you during your time abroad?
HHL’s international university network enabled me to gain this valuable experience in Barcelona. Especially when the pandemic became a relevant topic regarding my decision where and whether to go, the HHL staff supported me with providing information as well as council. Furthermore, all the Erasmus paperwork and other forms were pre-pared and advice given on how to fill and file them properly in order to avoid administrative trouble on this journey.
Is there anything else you would to share with the community?
I cannot stretch enough how strongly I recommend all HHL students to pursue the endeavor of going abroad. The time in foreign countries will contribute to your development in various ways such as personal development through experiencing foreign cultures, developing one’s English as well as target-country language skills, gaining new perspectives on business but also on life and different approaches to it. If possible, do more than one semester abroad as for example I had very different but equally valuable experiences during my first term abroad in Ho-Chi- Minh-City in Vietnam compared to my current stay in Barcelona.