Women In Business Jolanta Talaga Interview

Why Women in Business Should Play with Courage

by Alexandra Rothe | January 20, 2023
In the first video interview of our new series “Women in Business” we talk to Jolanta Talaga about building a thriving career in multinational cooperations, her experience as a woman and mother in the supply chain industry and why having courage is so important.

Watch the Interview with Jolanta Talaga, Head of Supply Chain Operations DE/CH at Henkel

Career Update: Since October 2022 Jolanta Talaga is working as Head of Global Supply Chain Costumer Excellence at Henkel.

This interview was first published on March 30, 2021.

Jolanta Talaga is Head of Supply Chain Operations DE/CH at Henkel and a graduate of HHL’s full-time MBA program. In the first video interview of our new series “Women in Business” we talk about building a thriving career in multinational cooperations, her experience as a woman and mother in the supply chain industry and why having courage is so important.

I think women should learn to play with courage and trust their choices. I truly believe that it’s our choice where we work and what we do and what we do not do.

Jolanta Talaga, Head of Supply Chain Operations DE/CH

Watch Now: Women in Business Need More Courage with Jolanta Talaga

Learn how Jolanta discovered to know her value and to trust her decisions.

What motherhood teaches you about success

As a mother of two and a successful businesswoman, Jolanta knows the struggle many women face before starting a family. She remembers wondering if she might fall behind and miss out on big opportunities. Today she understands that motherhood taught her to understand what really matters, how to set priorities, and finally, helped her become much better at her work.

Becoming a mother helped me realize what is really important to me.

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