Female Leadership is Changing the Workplace

by Alexandra Rothe | September 29, 2021
With our “Women in Business” offerings, we want to inspire, enable, encourage and support women to follow their career goals in order to drive gender diversity in business professions. Discover our networks and initiatives and learn how you can join today.

HHL’s Women in Business Initiatives and Networks

At HHL, we are convinced that female leadership within companies is an essential key to mastering the current and future challenges of the globalized economy. That is why we aim to address disparities in the workplace and offer all women the support and the network they need to successfully find and pursue their own career path. With our “Women in Business” offerings, we want to inspire, enable, encourage and support women to follow their career goals in order to drive gender diversity in business professions.

Women need to be empowered to tell their story. But it is our responsibility to listen to them.

In this blog post, we would like to introduce you to the multiple Women in Business networks and initiatives offered at HHL. We offer support for students, graduates as well as female founders and focus on providing individual encouragement to all women to develop their potential and find their professional passion.

Women’s Success Stories

Female Role Models – Every woman has a story to tell that is worth hearing. In our written interview series we talk to alumnae from all programs to learn about their personal wins and learnings. We invite you to get inspired by their career and life journeys and discover unknown, exciting new opportunities!

Female leadership in the workplace

Video interviews – The Women in Business interview series was created to give our female graduates and students a platform to share their stories. What started as a spontaneous idea during the pandemic has since evolved into an established interview series. The interviews are personal and educational. Each woman`s story is different, but they all share the wish to pass on their learnings and advice to the generations of women who follow. They believe that more women should dare to take leaps, know their worth and implement the changes they want to see in our world.


Women in Business Interview Series

HHL scholarships for women

The scholarships for our Master and MBA programs aim to support women with exceptional talent and enable them to become future leader or entrepreneurs. We offers financial support, access to a first-class education and a unique network to the recipients of the scholarships. Our innovative programs provide them with the best practical management skills and accompany them personally on their path to success.

HHL Initiative: Women@HHL

Women@HHL is an initiative to provide a place for empowerment, exchange and personal development for all female students, employees and alumnae of HHL as well as other interested parties. The initiative offers coaching, mentoring and various events on topics related to leadership, career opportunities and skill development to enable women to excel in business. Women@HHL provides the space to meet with executives and gain valuable professional and personal insights as well as food for thought. At the same time, they enable their members to get in contact with successful and inspiring people to enrich the individual network.


Entrepreneurship: Female Founder Initiative

The Female Founder Initiative offers coaching, mentoring and business know-how for women who want to start their own business. Sponsored by the European Social Fund and the Free State of Saxony and in cooperation with the University of Leipzig, the Female Founder Initiative invites female students and graduates to take the leap and turn an idea into a business.

In workshops and seminars led by professionals, the participants can (further) develop their business ideas, discuss entrepreneurial issues from a women’s perspective, define their female leadership personality and expand their entrepreneurial network. Together with a personal startup coach and a mentor, they will work on their business pitch and get to know other exciting women and their ideas.

Get started with your business

About the initiative

DIGITAL SPACE: Tech incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs

The DIGITAL SPACE is an early-stage tech incubator in Leipzig that is open for everyone with a 12-week dedicated startup incubation program. Individuals or teams with an idea are welcome to apply. HHL DIGITAL SPACE believes that diverse teams bring new perspectives and solutions to the market, that enrich the startup ecosystem. As female founders are still underrepresented, especially in tech, HHL DIGITAL SPACE encourages women to join the incubation program and validate their ideas.

With our facilities on the HHL campus the DIGITAL SPACE offer students, researchers, and entrepreneurs a space and open platform to meet and explore the topics of digitization and entrepreneurship. Our crew and external supporters accompany the transfer of ideas into business models.

Join a community of women ready to lead

We look forward to learning from the many talented women in our community and feel honored to be trusted with their stories. The future promises to bring much-needed change to a generation of business leaders. If you are inspired by the life paths of our HHL alumnae we invite you to check out our networks and initiatives in person or online.

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