Dismantling Leadership Discussion: Why taking evolving leaders will become your competitive advantage



Online via Zoom, 6.00 pm-7.30 pm (CEST)


June 09, 2021


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Join us for another event of our Dismantling Leadership Discussion Series co-hosted by leadership.sprouts and HHL.

We are looking forward to Niklas Östberg from Delivery Hero talking about the competitive advantage of installing evolving leaders in your organization. But what do we mean when we talk about evolving leaders? Evolving in what? This session focuses on what it takes to master leadership in today‘s business world. What helps to increase productivity and which traits might be limiting for the overall performance of the organization?

This event will be held in English.

Dismantling Leadership – a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sprouts
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The virtual talk series addresses latest and key topics to a broad audience. The talk of scientists and practitioners offers an open and further education and know-how transfer to the whole HHL community and beyond. It discusses both sides of leadership – progressive and traditional.