Entrepreneurial Afternoon @ HHL

Schmalenbach Building at HHL Campus Leipzig.


HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Schmalenbach Building, Lecture Hall, Campus Jahnallee, Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Germany


June 08, 2023

1.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. (CEST)


Online registration via Eventbrite until June 06, 2023:

We kindly invite you to our Entrepreneurial Afternoon at HHL.

Firstly, we have the honor to welcome the Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann on campus who will give a short keynote about innovation culture and state modernization in direct exchange with HHL students.

Secondly, Prof. Dr. Kelvin Willoughby is holding his Inaugural Lecture, as he took on the role of the official chairholder of the Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship on January 1, 2023.

The event is followed by a champagne reception and a get-together for all participants.

Dr. Marco Buschmann
Federal Minister of Justice
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kelvin W. Willoughby
Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship


01.30 p.m.: Keynote speech followed by a Q&A session – The State as Accelerator: Talk with the Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann on innovation culture and state modernization

Deutschland braucht mehr Tempo, um noch agiler und digitaler zu werden. Als Ordnungsgeber kommt dem Staat eine zentrale Rolle zu, um Innovationspotentiale zu heben. Was kann der Staat tun, um die Innovationskraft von Gründern und Unternehmen zu fördern? Wie sieht eine zukunftsweisende Ordnungspolitik aus, die ermöglicht statt verhindert? Wie können privatwirtschaftliche Innovationen bei der Entbürokratisierung und Modernisierung des Staates helfen? Diese und weitere spannende Fragen wollen wir mit Ihnen diskutieren.
The session is held in German.

03.00 p.m.: Break

03.30 p.m.: Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Kelvin Willoughby“Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: A Key to Success in Contemporary Business”

Prof. Dr. Kelvin Willoughby took on the role of the official chairholder of the Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at HHL on January 1st, 2023. It is a pleasure to have him as faculty member at HHL and to officially welcome him. During the Inaugural Lecture, he will present excerpts from his current research on the strategic management of intellectual property.Overall, the research of the chair addresses the strategic management of technological innovation for both large established corporations and entrepreneurial technology ventures. Within both those contexts he focusses especially on the management of intellectual property and the ways in which innovators may artfully employ “IP” (such as patents, trade secrets, copyright, design rights and trademarks) to boost their success in the international commercialization of new technology and innovative technology-intensive products and services.
The session is held in English.

04.45 p.m.: Champagne reception | Get-together (until ca. 06.00 p.m.)

Please register until June 6, 2023!

Looking forward to see you in the Schmalenbach Lecture Hall.

Interested in further HHL events? Please check the HHL Event Calendar.

Photo Credits:
Dr. Marco Buschmann: BPA/Steffen Kugler
Prof. Dr. Kelvin Willoughby: Daniel Reiche