HHL Expert Talk: The Real Power of Coaching – Build Resilience and Maintain Direction in Uncertain Times


Susanne May


Online, 6.30-7.30 pm (CEST)


April 21, 2021


Online registration

Our 12th HHL Expert Talk will discuss what executive coaching actually is and how it can help your personal career development with concrete cases and in-depth expert perspectives.

Participants will take away a new understanding of how coaching can create impact and how to get support for coaching internally in your company.

Measurable Experience:
The client/coachee perspective

  • What are the types of questions that coaches address?
  • What are the typical challenges where can a coach help?

What does coaching mean in COVID/VUCA times

  • What does coaching mean in various cultural contexts?
  • How to position oneself regarding coaching with your employer and how to get support for your coaching internally at work.

Coaching case: Consulting – what does coaching bring consultants?
Coaching case: Entrepreneurship – how coaching can help in a career change?

HHL Expert Talk – Recognized Expertise on a Global Market
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual HHL Expert Talk series addresses latest and key topics in its research and academic programs to a broad audience. The HHL Expert Talk offers an open and further education and know-how transfer to the whole HHL community and beyond. This also applies to the ongoing corona crisis. The current events in the series will discuss the pandemic and its impacts on society, economics, sports, and culture.
The talks are mostly held in English.
Interested in further events of the HHL Expert Talk series? Please check the HHL Event Calendar.
Please notice that we will record this event (film) without showing participants or chats and use this material internally and/or externally in accordance with § 23 KunstUrHG and article 6 par. 1f) DSGVO.

Photo above: Susanne May, photo by Markus Baumann