Online via zoom, 5 p.m.
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Warren Buffet once called options and other derivatives “financial weapons of mass destruction”. While many investors share his opinion it is striking to see how more and more derivatives have been developed over the recent years. During the corona crisis stock markets dropped significantly. Without a wise “hedge” market movements resulting in huge losses overwhelm many market participants. Our short webinar provides you insights on option strategies that may have helped to secure investment portfolios during the recent dropdown. Thereby, we highlight the differences between stop-loss limits, exchange-based options and discuss often-used option strategies.
HHL invites you to the virtual taster lecture on Options – “Financial weapons of mass destruction”? with Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann.
Through this virtual lecture you will be equipped with some basic knowledge about options and option strategies while getting a taste of what we care for in our Master in Management | Finance program at HHL!
Your participation is free of charge. We look forward to welcoming you.