Support HHL


Support HHL

HHL has taken a strong development – a development that would not have been possible without all our numerous supporters.

Over the last years, HHL was able to raise funds for various projects, such as the renovation of the Academic House and its new study rooms but also for its excellent research and the Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer. This would not have been possible without the enormous support of HHL Alumni & Friends. We thank all our supporters for their generosity!

This support also encouraged us to provide a platform allowing to get involved in HHL’s future development easily. As a leading private business school on university level, HHL relies on their supporters for a successful future.

HHL needs your support to take the next steps: To further enhance the student experience in our facilities on campus, to further invest in new technologies for digital teaching and learning formats, as well as to reach top-notch research achievements on a regular basis. HHL needs you to get you on board and support us in successfully implementing our goals.

Donate now!

Note: You will automatically receive a contribution receipt for tax deductions.

Tobias Wulff
HHL Alumnus

I am thankful for the great experience during my studies at HHL and the many opportunities arosen after graduation. With my donation I want to support future HHL generations.