Prof. Christian Strenger

“Mr. Corporate Governance”

Prof. Strenger obtained his MBA in Finance from Cologne University. After banking trainee programs in New York and London, he joined the Deutsche Bank group with successive executive positions in Frankfurt, London and New York. In 1991 he became CEO of DWS Investment, Germany’s largest asset manager with current assets of some 800 billion USD. After moving to the DWS supervisory board, he accepted invitations to join boards of large listed companies (i.a. Evonik Industries, Fraport, TUI).

In 2001 he became a founding member of the German Government Commission ‘German Corporate Governance Code’, representing investor interests until 2016.

His international activities today include roles as Deputy Chairman of the Private Sector Advisory Group of the World Bank’s IFC Global Corporate Governance Forum as well as member of the BIAC Governance Committee of the OECD in Paris. He is also past chairman and active member of the ‘International Corporate Governance Network’ (ICGN). In Germany, he is deputy chair of the DVFA Corporate Governance Commission that represents the view of the four major German asset managers on key issues of German governance.
After being awarded the honorary professorship by HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management for his professional achievements in 2014, he lectures and organizes symposiums on corporate governance matters as Academic Director of its Centre for Corporate Governance. He is also regularly invited for guest lectures at German and international universities. Often called Germany’s ‘Mr. Corporate Governance’, Prof. Strenger publishes regularly articles on key governance issues in leading financial papers, journals and magazines and participates as speaker or panel member in national and international topical conferences.


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