With your support, the HHL Foundation ensures the continuous development of our high-performance university, our projects, and our main research areas. Every contribution counts and contributes directly to the success of our university with its outstanding students, professors and staff.
We support HHL in expanding and improving its high-performance teaching and investment projects. Join the HHL Foundation and help shape HHL for the long term. Your contribution can be directed to an area or topic you specify, and you can be involved in all developments if you desire.
Help us maintain a long term growth at HHL, providing future business leaders that create sustainable standing in our society. Help us to drive the excellent work at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. A small donation is valuable already. Each month we will present the Donor of the Month on this web page. He or she will be chosen from all donors of the running month. We are looking forward to your support!
Donate directly via PayPal to info@hhl-stiftung.de.
The HHL Foundation’s day-to-day activities are directed by its board, chaired by Dr. Gerd Robertz and with Prof. Winfried Pinninghoff, Hanns-Christian Ehret und Dr. Conrad Freiherr von Stechow as vice-chairs.
The deciding body is a board of trustees consisting of the founder (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Leipzig) and representatives of companies and institutions which make significant contributions to the foundation.
Board of the HHL Foundation (from left to right):
Dr. Conrad Freiherr von Stechow, Dr. Gerd Robertz (Chair), Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, Prof. Winfried Pinninghoff, Hanns-Christian Ehret
This was what a group of Leipzig merchants thought and so they founded their own guild in 1278, the Leipziger Kramerinnung. The guild played a formative role in the development of Leipzig as an economic region and, when it broke up in 1887, the newly established Chamber of Commerce Leipzig used the guild’s wealth to create a new and strong institution, the Kramer Foundation. Right from the outset, the foundation set itself the goal of shaping the future: the interest generated by the founding capital was to be used to promote commercial education and training in the Leipzig region.
In 1927 and as the world economic crisis began to develop, the original Kramer Foundation was dissolved. After the Second World War, political obstacles prevented a re-activation, and so it was not until 1991 that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Leipzig re-established the foundation, basing it on the pre-war model.
The result was the “new” Kramer Foundation, a foundation under civil law, based in Leipzig. Just like its predecessor, the foundation originates from the notion that an economy can only be as strong as the next generation of leaders that it produces. That is why the Kramer Foundation’s sole purpose is to promote the stability and the development of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany’s oldest business school.
To establish a clear relation between the Kramer Foundation and HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management the traditional Kramer Foundation was renamed in HHL Foundation in 2017. As before, the Foundation’s purpose lies in the sustainable support of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
How well we master the challenges of tomorrow heavily depends on the skills of future generations.
The HHL Foundation awards the “Ludwig Trippen Medal” at regular intervals to honor personalities who have rendered outstanding support to the idea of the HHL Foundation.
The medal lent its name from Dr. Dr. h.c. Ludwig Trippen. As the founding rector of the re-established Leipzig Graduate School of Management, he raised substantial financial contributions to build up the university and made the university’s new start possible by establishing a network of supporters from academia and business. In addition, Dr. Dr. h.c. Trippen very generously supported the university and the Kramer Foundation (now HHL Foundation) from his personal assets. With this medal, the HHL Foundation honors this extraordinary commitment. Furthermore, the award of the “Ludwig Trippen Medal” preserves the memory of this great supporter of the university.
Your support to the HHL Foundation helps in many ways:
Participate in the HHL Foundation and help shape HHL for the long term. Your contribution can be directed to an area or topic you specify, and you can be involved in all developments if you desire.
We would be delighted to discuss further details with you in a personal meeting.
We very much appreciate endowments to the HHL Foundation (in German: HHL-Stiftung) of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
Donate now easy and secure online via PayPal: info@hhl-stiftung.de
Or use one of the following two bank accounts:
Account name: HHL-Stiftung
Bank: Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE90 8607 0000 0171 9913 00
Purpose of payment: Endowment
Account name: HHL-Stiftung
Bank: Sparkasse Leipzig
IBAN DE63 8605 5592 1100 1114 80
Purpose of payment: Endowment
For your information: To send you a confirmation of your endowment we need your complete name and postal address. Please send the information to info@hhl-stiftung.de. Thank you.
We are grateful to BDO AG Wirtschaftspruefungsgesellschaft, Leipzig,
for its pro bono support.