Conflict Competency Seminar

Successful leadership through effective conflict management

Every manager knows the situation: a difficult message needs to be delivered, critical feedback needs to be given or a dissonance in the team needs to be dealt with. And in such a way that it is possible to continue working together afterwards and the relationship is not damaged in the long term. In order for this to succeed, conflict competence is required. In this seminar, we will familiarise ourselves with the essential tools for dealing with conflicts in theory and try them out in practice. On the one hand, it is about what we can do in a situation, but also how we do it in order to maximise effectiveness. We are particularly interested in three aspects: How do I “think” conflicts? What strategy do I choose? How do I communicate specifically in the situation?

The program language is German. For detailed information about the seminar we invite you to visit the German website.

Any questions? Contact me:

Jana Näther
Director Executive Education