Certificate Program

Employer Brand Manager

Cooperation Partners


Design and manage your employer brand effectively and successfully

In this employer branding seminar, you will learn in a practical way how to design and manage the development of an employer brand. You will learn how to derive a concept for HR in your company from the branding strategy and transfer it into modern HR management. Along the way, you will also grow individually in this seminar. Each course takes place online and can be completed on a part-time basis.

For detailed information about the program we invite you to visit the German website.

Program Start

  • 07.11.2024
  • 13.03.2025

Target group

Employees and managers from HR, recruiting, corporate communications and marketing

Program Structure

4 modules, 3 days each

Language of Instruction


Any questions? Contact me:

The portrait picture shows the contact person of the Employer Brand Manager program at HHL Executive Education.
Dr. Paula Thieme
Lead Academy | DEBA Deutsche Employer Branding Akademie GmbH