Part-time MBA

Take the next step in your career!

At a glance


Program Facts

  • Start: September
  • Duration: 27-33 months | 17 weekends & 2 residential weeks
  • Degree: MBA | 90 ECTS
  • Location: Leipzig
  • Language: English

Application Deadlines & Fees

  • Early Bird 1: November 30 | EUR 36,000
  • Early Bird 2: January 31 | EUR 37,000
  • Early Bird 3: March 31 | EUR 38,000
  • Final deadline: June 30 | EUR 39,500

Initiating change – Making a positive impact

Completing a part-time Master of Business Administration program (MBA) at HHL is your key to positive change — both professionally and personally. Within our part-time MBA program, we offer extensive management knowledge and multi-faceted competencies of leadership, and coaching opportunities. Many of our students were able to give their careers and lives a completely new direction. How about YOU?

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Full-time Master in Management
Part-time Master in Management
Full-time Master in Entrepreneurship
Full-time Master in Management | Finance
Part-time Master in Management | Finance
Full-time MBA
Full-time MBA | Finance
Part-time MBA

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Entrepreneurial University in Germany

Startup Radar by Stifterverband 2022

Career Service worldwide

FT Master in Management Ranking 2023

Salary increase after graduation

Part-time MBA Employment Report 2024

Any questions? Please feel free to contact us at any time

Stephanie Pleiss-Dietrich
Program Consultant

Diverse and unique – Your class, a network for a lifetime

The part-time MBA class is a perfect mix of highly motivated participants with very different backgrounds and profiles. They bring their extensive life and work experience (in companies, like SAP, DHL, IBM Dell, Jenoptik, Continental, Porsche, Roland Berger,….) into the classroom, making the program an international and multicultural meeting place. The strong network of friendships and business contacts formed throughout the studies accompanies our graduates for life.


Total class size


International students


Female students


Average age

8,5 years

Average work experience

What makes our
part-time MBA program special?

  • compact weekend structure
  • focus on highly applicable content
  • providing a solid business background and important management tools

Prepare yourself for the next step on your career ladder. You will be part of a diverse group with interesting backgrounds. HHL offers you an open learning environment. The students have the possibility to bring their business perspectives into the discussions in our lectures. Our MBA program combines functional subjects, soft skills, and practical experiences to prepare you for the leadership challenges that lie ahead of you. In addition to the courses HHL also has a student counselor who offers indvidual coaching options for our students.

Dr. Dr. Justinus C. Pech
Academic Director Part-Time MBA Program

Five reasons why you should choose HHL’s part-time MBA program

Study program with high practical relevance

The part-time MBA program offers the unique opportunity, to study business in a challenging environment while staying on the job to directly utilize your new tools. Studying at HHL is both great learning and a fun experience. At HHL academic and managerial learning is offered in high-quality teachings using the latest managerial decision-making methodologies and frameworks.

Focus on leadership skills and self-development

During the course of study in our part-time Master of Business Administration, we are placing more emphasis on applied “leadership skills”. Participants experience a change of perspective during their MBA studies, which helps them achieve their individual career goals and master new challenges. In addition to different leadership courses, we will also offer helpful coaching opportunities.

High Flexibility: Studying while working

The weekend structure of our Part-time MBA program is perfect to meet your individual needs and interests and to manage to study besides working. We offer high flexibility within the program with optional courses. In addition we offer our international Global Immersion Seminar and term abroad options.

Benefit from a supportive and diverse network

The open-minded HHL community provides a warm and enriching environment. Our students, alumni, staff, and faculty are like an extended family you can reach out to for support, guidance, or to exchange ideas. The diversity within the MBA class provides a broad understanding of your future workplace: the globe.

Discovering new career prospects

Our top-ranked Career Development team will help you to find out what you want – an exciting, fulfilling and successful career. You’ll feel encouraged to change – an essential driving force for your career in the future. Our graduates are living proof of how important that is. The majority of them already sought new challenges while still studying or shortly after finishing.

Chat with our students

Our student ambassadors are here to share their experiences of HHL and to answer any questions you may have about their HHL journey, their student life and their advice on how to make the most of your studies. Simply browse our list of ambassadors, choose the student of the program you are interested in and start the conversation.

N.B. Please contact your program consultant, for questions about the application process and fees and financing.

Initiating change

Completing a part-time MBA program at our business school is your key to positive change — both professionally and personally. Whether it’s moving into a new industry or a challenging management job, climbing the career ladder to a leadership position with high responsibility at your current job, or starting your own company — many of our students were able to give their career and life a completely new direction. The key is extensive management knowledge and multi-faceted competencies of self-leadership and career management which we offer you as a part of your Master of Business Administration program.

HHL Career Service

Discovering new career prospects

You know what you want — an exciting, fulfilling and successful career. And we know how to support you best along the way. Our Career Development Team was recently voted into the top 11 — worldwide! — in the latest edition of the Financial Times Ranking. It didn’t happen by chance; our experienced psychologists and career experts have developed a special mix of one-on-one coaching sessions, personality tests and workshops. Together, we’ll find out what your strengths are, how you can build upon them and which career options suit you best. There’s a good reason for that. If you lead yourself in an effective manner and pursue authentic, meaningful goals, you’ll be much more successful. You will also gain a lot more freedom to seize new professional opportunities. Plus: You’ll feel encouraged to change — an essential driving force for your career in the future. Our graduates are living proof of how important that is. The majority of them already sought new challenges while still studying or shortly after finishing. Many of them soon secured leadership and management positions, working, for instance, for the following companies:

    Finding the ideal job

    If you wish, our career experts will also accompany you through the application process. We will gladly review your résumé as well as prepare you for your job interviews, selection processes and salary negotiations. You will have access to our global alumni network. We will give you access to job ads and exclusive recruiting events with top-level companies on the HHL campus. We will put our heart and soul into enabling you to get the dream job which fits you perfectly and allows you to flourish. Even after your studies, we’re here for you, offering advice on all career-related questions. You are going to benefit from our career development and the HHL Community all your life!

      The DNA of HHL

      Responsible, entrepreneurially-minded, executives are in high demand in this volatile, ever-changing world. Therefore, our part-time MBA program focuses primarily on entrepreneurship and leadership. Both of these topics are written in HHL’s DNA. They are taught across subjects and practised in an inspiring atmosphere. It’s not without reason that HHL is considered to be the prime hotbed for startups among the business schools and a trailblazer in Europe. Want to find out more? Continue reading here.

        Samuel Kermelk
        CEO | Heiterblick

        As an engineer with first leadership experience at Porsche, I asked myself, how to improve my overall management capabilities. I found HHL as a medium-sized and friendly but nevertheless success oriented school in Leipzig. The part-time MBA curriculum gave me the perfect blend of financial, marketing, leadership and entrepreneurial knowledge, which inspired me to manage a whole company. Few months after finishing the MBA I started as CEO of a young start-up-like company, which is today growing and developing sustainably well. HHL gave me the knowledge, the instruments and the right mood for this big task!

        Katrin Zeiler
        Senior Director | Zero Waste World / Founder & Managing Director | Blue clue

        You expect you will learn and enhance your future career but let me tell you: Your expectation will not be met, they will be exceeded! Your personality, the way you manage work and people, the way you see challenges and solve solutions will change forever – discover your inner entrepreneur you will not regret the journey!

        Marcus Baumbach
        CEO | Peppermint

        I think back enthusiastically to my time at HHL. It is the mix of knowledge and people from different nations and cultures, as well as the mix of theory and practice, that made us fit for global actions.

        The part-time MBA program: future-oriented & innovative

        The part-time MBA program is tailored to professionals and executives who are highly motivated, have some initial professional experience and are planning the next step in their career. The program has a strong international emphasis and uses an innovative, integrated approach to develop your leadership and management competencies. One focal point is the promotion of your entrepreneurial mindset and actions with close practical relevance. As a result, you will obtain an extensive body of knowledge, competencies and skills that will help you to solve even the most challenging management tasks in an interdisciplinary context. The program is divided into compulsory basic modules, more in-depth extension modules and your Master’s thesis. Look forward to a special highlight at the end of the program: the Global Immersion Seminar. Past lecture visits have taken place at leading business schools, including Boston University School of Management, Babson College, Harvard Business School and MIT.

        Time Schedule Part-time MBA

        Time Schedule Part-time MBA

        Year 1Year 2
        Course weeekends9 Course weekends in Leipzig
        Friday 4.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.
        Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
        Sunday 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
        8 Course weekends in Leipzig
        Friday 4.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.
        Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
        Sunday 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
        Residential weeksWelcome week in fallResidential week in fall
        Global Immersion Seminar

          1. Business and Leadership Essentials

          Get the skills of the future today!

          Studying on the job: Studying part-time

          In HHL’s part-time MBA program, you take center stage. Everything is geared towards you being able to reconcile your studies with your current professional challenges in the best possible way. We also make sure that your study periods are compatible with your job. Your MBA program takes two years and includes eight to nine weekends as well as one module week per year. Students can share experiences, establish valuable contacts and benefit from a large network.

          Compulsory modules: Essentials & basis of success

          Accounting and Finance, Leadership, International Business or Entrepreneurship — our compulsory modules will teach you all about the fundamental management disciplines. This not only includes the classic fields of business administration but also the development of your personal leadership competencies. We rely on practical instruction and interactive study methods as a part of this process. Case studies, simulations and group work help you to gain the necessary professional and personal security to complete leadership tasks in an international and interdisciplinary context.

          Business Essentials (24 ECTS)Leadership Essentials (12 ECTS)
          Problem Solving & Communication (PAC)EntrepreneurshipMe as a Leader
          Global EconomicsReportingNegotiation
          StrategyFinancial ManagementEthics & Sustainability
          Marketing & SustainabilitySupply Chain Management & LogisticsNew in a Leadership Role

            2. Business and Leadership Electives

            Extension modules: Consolidation & specialization

            The extension modules allow you to tailor your MBA program to your professional focal points, personal career goals and individual development. You have a choice between different modules, of which you have to complete a minimum of three (please see the complete overview in download section below). If you decide for a term abroad, you will only have to complete two extension modules. How does that work? We offer you the chance to complete a term abroad at one of our 140 partner universities. This way, you can gain international and intercultural experience while still studying. One more tip: Our professors and Career Development Team gladly support you in selecting suitable modules. Just talk to us. We’re here for you!

            Business ElectivesLeadership Electives
            Innovative ImpactFinancial BrilliancyStrategic MasteryInternational Module
            Innovation ManagementManagerial EconomicsDisruptive Technologies & Business ModelsStudy Abroad (12 ECTS) or
            Online Marketing & Customer AnalysisValue GrowthChange ManagementGlobal Immersion Seminar (1 week abroad) (6 ECTS) + open course(s) (6 ECTS) or
            Business Case DesignSustainable FinanceStrategy for GrowthGlobal Immersion Seminar (1 week abroad) (6 ECTS) + two not-selected elective modules (max. 6 ECTS) or
            M&A SeminarAuthentic LeadershipGlobal Immersion Seminar (1 week abroad) (6 ECTS) + combination of open course / not-selected elective module (max. 6 ECTS)

              3. Final Project

              The successful completion of your MBA program!

              The final project is the perfect opportunity to apply the knowledge you acquired in your MBA program to a real business project based on your personal managerial experience. You can also focus on a company-specific topic or develop a business plan. You will choose the topic together with our professors and lecturers. They will also be available to help you while you prepare the thesis.

                The Global Immersion Seminar

                The highlight at the end: The Global Immersion Seminar!

                Look forward to a special highlight at the end of the part-time MBA program: the Global Immersion Seminar. Past lecture visits have taken place at leading business schools, including Boston University School of Management, Babson College, Harvard Business School and MIT. The Global Immersion Seminar lectures include a 2-3 day program at a renowned business school. This way you will get the latest management knowledge from recognized experts and at the same time gain important international experience and contacts.

                  The Global Immersion Seminar in Boston has been my biggest highlight so far, not only in the part-time MBA but also in my lifelong education overall. After just two weeks, it has already provided me with such high-quality benefits that I can only strongly recommend it. The cultural exchange, the density of information, and the applicability are outstanding and unprecedented so far – my mindset has changed significantly, and the perspective on opportunities has been greatly strengthened.

                  Patrick Freund
                  Part-time MBA student at HHL

                  Leadership and Coaching

                  Our leadership courses in the Part-time MBA program are unique and bring different perspectives together. With an integrated peer coaching we give the participants the possibility to develop and strengthen their leadership competencies. With our open course for individual coaching sessions we offer for those, who like to, also individual sessions with a business coach.

                  Dr. Dr. Justinus Pech
                  Academic Director Part-time MBA
                  Certified Business Coach (ICF)

                    HHL Executive trainings as entry ticket to the part-time MBA program

                    Perhaps you are still hesistant to take on the 2-year part-time MBA program, due to its time scope and costs involved. Then, you may take the following alternative option into consideration:
                    It is possible to take first certificate programs offered by our HHL Executive Education and then continue with the part-time MBA program. Currently we are offering this option with the

                    The program address executives from diverse backgrounds who want to expand their management and leadership know-how. Starting with the GMP you can find out whether you want to go deeper into management topics and to proceed  with the part-time MBA. The 18 credits, earned within the GMP  are fully accountable towards the PTMBA study program (90 ECTS). At the same time, the costs are offset against the PTMBA study fees.

                    If you feel this combination is attractive for you and you are interested in deepening your management and leadership skills, please contact Stephanie Pleiss-Dietrich.

                      Studying abroad

                      Internationality as common practice

                      International, cosmopolitan and multifaceted — HHL is your gateway to the world. New York, Paris, Moscow, Stockholm, Singapore, Hong Kong or Sydney? At HHL, you have the chance to gain valuable international experience as a part of your part-time MBA program and complete a term abroad at one of our 140 partner universities worldwide.

                      Would you like to spend an entire term abroad? Or would you prefer to complete individual classes at renowned universities in other countries? How about an international short program such as summer school? Whatever you decide: HHL will help you to organize your studies abroad and remains your contact point while you complete the courses. Use this opportunity to expand your management skills and intercultural competencies. Explore new countries and cultures and establish important international contacts while still studying.

                        HHL Student Initiatives

                        Conferences, workshops, sports events or social commitment — at HHL, students can participate in various student initiatives. This promotes social cohesion and offers new insight, fresh ideas and valuable contacts. Would you like to get involved?

                          Be part of the unique HHL spirit

                          Discover now

                          Prof. Dr. med. habil. Dr. h.c. Franz Fankhauser
                          CEO | Augenzentrum Fankhauser AG

                          The formation and training at Leipzig HHL Business school for MBA was not only an inspiring, challenging and  rewarding time but also a life-changing experience. During the study, the idea to start my own company was formed, enforced by the MBA thesis and supported by the teaching process to the point where I felt ready for a start-up. More than 10 years after leaving my job as director of a public clinic and starting my own business I look back to success, tears and challenges, just as anticipated, but also down to a fully running and successful company and forward into the great looking future making me grateful and proud of what I had the privilege to learn and apply.

                          Jenny Jeskanen
                          Global Project Lead | Merck KGaA

                          The Part-time MBA at HHL is a top-level program that equipped me extensively in creative thinking and business knowledge, enhanced managerial skills and fast-tracked development as a leader. It was enriching to complete it with other ambitious professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. The program covers numerous topics with high academic standards and international focus. The discussions and teamwork enabled us to apply our practical experiences within the program. Highly recommend!

                          Andreas Abt
                          Vice President R&D | TRUMPF Hüttinger GmbH + Co. KG

                          I would not be where I’m today without the MBA from HHL. As an engineer and project manager, I was good at getting things done on a product and department level. However, to progress in my career I needed to learn to answer strategic questions. That is what I learned at HHL besides many other things. I learned to look at innovation and business from a strategic perspective. Operations, getting things done,  is still a major part of my daily work. But developing a plan on how to sustainably grow in existing and new markets in a dynamic environment under permanent competitive pressure takes a huge part of my mental capacity too.

                          In vogue: Studying at the HHL Campus in Leipzig

                          Leipzig is open, international and vibrant. Located at the crossroads of historic European trade routes, Leipzig prides itself on its 1,000-year tradition of commercial vitality and its reputation as a meeting place for science and the arts. Beyond its modern infrastructure, what makes Germany’s fastest-growing city so popular and dynamic is its rapidly expanding economy, housing world-famous brands such as Porsche, BMW, DHL and Amazon. HHL, the first “Handelshochschule” in German-speaking Europe, was established back in 1898 and therefore laid the foundation for Leipzig’s profound management education early on.

                          Parks, cafés, bars, clubs and lakes invite you to enjoy a welcome break from your studies. Plus, Berlin and all that it has to offer are just one hour away. And the best of it all? Living expenses in Leipzig are affordable for students and there are a large variety of accommodations in all price ranges.

                          Read more about Leipzig

                          The Campus

                          The Campus: In the heart of Leipzig!

                          The HHL Campus is centrally located and, at the same time, surrounded by idyllic parks and rivers. You will experience an inspiring multicultural atmosphere and real campus flair. You also get to take advantage of the adjacent sports department of the University of Leipzig; as an HHL student, you are eligible to use all of their sports facilities and to sign up for sports courses offered by the Leipzig University. And to accommodate a flexible study schedule, we grant our students access to HHL’s premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use the library, the study areas and meeting rooms, the lounge and the Student Club any time you want! Intrigued? Please contact us – we would be delighted to show you around our campus in person! We look forward to meeting you!


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                            Benefit from HHL’s global network

                            HHL offers not only an academic degree from one of the most renowned and venerable business schools but also an invaluable global network of experts, classmates, alumni and supporters. It is where important business contacts and lifelong friendships are established.

                            Our alumni are particularly active and closely linked. They are represented in over 70 countries. HHL alumni include renowned founders as well as many leading executives from major consulting firms and international enterprises. Our alumni support each other and future graduates in many different ways. And there’s even more: Many of them often return to campus to share their knowledge with the latest HHL generation in presentations or workshops or directly recruit people for their company. What companies are these? Here you will find a few examples of well-known companies in which our alumni have leading positions:

                            Lifelong Experience

                            During or after your studies — as a participant of the part-time MBA program you will benefit not only from our alumni network but also the numerous student initiatives, such as the annual Accelerate@HHL Conference, the TEDxHHL Talk or the Venture Capital Club. You will also have access to guest lectures and recruiting events with representatives from top-level international companies such as Amazon, Accenture, BMW, Bosch, Deloitte, check24, Mister Spex, Porsche, Roland Berger, Xing and many others.

                              Apply now and invest in your career

                              For the part-time MBA program, we strive for a class structure that represents a variety of cultures, nationalities, individual interests and professional backgrounds. We, therefore, attach great importance to a careful and personal selection process. In addition to your academic background, we also focus on your professional career to date, your personality, motivation and career ambitions.

                              Do you suit HHL? And does HHL suit you? Let’s find out together! Within two weeks of submitting your application, you will find out if you have been selected for a personal admission interview with an HHL professor. The interview will be conducted virtually or directly at HHL. Once we have received all your application documents and the test result (HHL Entry Test or GMAT), the admission committee will make its final decision — and let you know straight away. Our advice: The earlier you apply, the sooner you will learn about our decision and can plan your next steps!

                              Are you unsure if your profile fits with our admission criteria? Please contact us and we will help you to find out with our free pre-application service.

                              Free Profile Check

                              We look forward to receiving your application.

                              Further application information

                              An MBA from HHL: Professional development pays off

                              The part-time MBA program offers you the opportunity to pursue a financially promising and fulfilling career path. So you will benefit from the investment in your tuition in more ways than one.

                              Analyzing the worldwide MBA market comprehensively brought me to the conclusion that HHL is, without any doubt, one of the leading business schools in Europe. My expectations were fully met. The profound and state-of-the-art management education at HHL has had a sustainable effect on my career development. After a part-time MBA, I completed my doctoral thesis at the Chair of Marketing Management under Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg. Today I am very happy about the very intensive relationship with HHL. I can exchange my practical experience in guest lectures and think tanks with the students and play an active role.

                              Dr. Marc Schumacher
                              CEO | AVANTGARDE Group

                              Tuition Fees

                              The tuition fees for the complete program amount to EUR 39,500. We offer a tuition fee reduction if you submit your complete application by the following Early Bird deadlines*:

                              • Early Bird 1: November 30 – Discount: EUR 3,500 
                              • Early Bird 2: January 31 – Discount: EUR 2,500
                              • Early Bird 3: March 31 – Discount: EUR 1,500

                              The tuition fee covers all costs for teaching and examination services and the cost of course materials. Meals are provided on campus during the course weekends and residential weeks. In addition, the fee for the Global Immersion Seminar is already included. Only accommodation and travel costs are not covered.

                              And, of course, the fees do not have to be paid in one lump sum. You will pay your tuition fees in four instalments – spread out over two years. For further information, see our payment terms.

                              One more important note: Your tuition fees are tax-deductible as an anticipated income-related expense. Check out our brochure (in German) on this for tips. Please contact your tax consultant for more information.

                              *In order to receive the early bird discount, you must have submitted your application by the above deadlines, as well as submit all missing documents and tests (including GMAT/GRE or HHL Entry Test) and successfully pass the HHL admissions interview until January 31 (Early Bird 1), March 31 (Early Bird 2) or June 30 (Early Bird 3).

                                Payment Terms

                                After you have been admitted to HHL, we ask you to pay a commitment fee of EUR 3,500 to secure your place in the part-time MBA program. The remaining costs will have to be paid in two installments at the beginning of the first and second study year. Quarterly payments are also possible upon request.

                                Do you have any other questions regarding tuition fees and financing? Please do not hesitate to contact us right away. We’re happy to help.

                                  Financing Options

                                  We gladly support you in financing your studies. Various financing options are available. We also offer scholarships for particularly committed and outstanding applicants. How do you obtain a scholarship? Win us over not just with your excellent academic record but also your personality.

                                  And keep in mind:
                                  Your tuition fees are tax-deductible as an anticipated income-related expense. Check out our brochure (in German) for tips. Please contact your own tax consultant for further details.

                                    Any questions? We’re here for you!

                                    Would you like to get to know the campus, our students, professors and the HHL team better? You are very welcome to visit us at the HHL campus. Seize the opportunity to talk to students, attend a lecture by one of our professors or speak with the experts from our Career Development Service about your career options. Just contact us. We’re happy to help!

                                    Stephanie Pleiss-Dietrich
                                    Program Consultant