Discover the many opportunities to get off to a flying start with a scholarship for a Master in Entrepreneurship at one of Germany’s top business schools. Our scholarships support talented and dedicated students who want to take their management skills to the next level. Apply now and secure financial support for your Full-time Master in Entrepreneurship – the first step towards a successful career. Find out more about the requirements and application deadlines for our Master in Entrepreneurship scholarships and start your future at HHL.
The master programs at HHL are an important step for your future career and personal development. To support new talents in management, we are happy to announce our e-fellows Masters Scholarship in cooperation with
The scholarship is open to everyone who participated in an e-fellows Master Day as well as to all students and alumni of
HHL will award four e-fellows Master’s Scholarships of up to EUR 5,000 each.
The GdF Scholarship for Future Entrepreneurs focuses on prospective HHL students who bring their entrepreneurial potential to HHL and who seek to start their own business after graduating from HHL or who have already started it. During their time at HHL the successful applicants will have the opportunity to introduce their business concept in at least one of HHL’s curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 7,500.
Please answer the questions below to tell us more about yourself and your motivation to study at HHL and to become a founder.
“Friends of HHL” is an association that unites HHL shareholders and serves as a hub for HHL entrepreneurs to stay in touch with HHL and the ecosystem around it. Their goal is to support HHL and its circle of founders in order to strengthen the network of entrepreneurs.
With the GdF Scholarship for Women in Business the association would like to support excellent female candidates of all national backgrounds who present strong motivation and outstanding professional and academic credentials and who are willing to become active members of the HHL community. The scholarships will also support HHL’s goal of achieving a truly heterogeneous class.
Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 7,500.
Stine Täubert
Manager Career and Alumni Relations
T +49 151 25755781
“Friends of HHL” is an association that unites HHL shareholders and serves as a hub for HHL entrepreneurs to stay in touch with HHL and the ecosystem around it. Their goal is to support HHL and its circle of founders in order to strengthen the network of entrepreneurs.
The HHL Dean’s List scholarship aims to reward the most outstanding students of the HHL community each year. The top candidates admitted to our programs will be personally selected by HHL´s Dean to join the exclusive Dean’s List circle.
Our HHL Dean’s List candidates are highly talented students and HHL ambassadors. We are proud to offer this scholarship to outstanding individuals and networking enthusiasts.
The fortunate members of the Dean’s List receive a partial scholarship that covers half of the tuition fees for the chosen program. Along with the scholarship offer, recipients receive an official scholarship certificate together with an invitation for a personal first meeting with Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth during our annual welcome weeks at HHL. Additionally, recipients will be invited to a yearly dinner with HHL´s Dean. This is a unique opportunity to network and exchange ideas about the world of tomorrow.
The scholarship application must include a max. 90-second pitch video where you answer the following question:
As an HHL Dean’s List Scholarship holder, what do you plan to give back to the HHL community during your studies and beyond?
Receiving the Dean’s List Scholarship has aided me in multiple ways. For one, it served as a motivator to perform at my best throughout my studies. The financial freedom allowed me to focus solely on my career and academic performance. Finally, it has been a lever in placing at a top tier consulting firm and allowed me to network with professors and senior representatives from the business world.
Receiving the Dean’s List Scholarship has been a great honour during my studies. Not only the large financial contribution, but also extracurriculars like attending the Dean‘s Dinner and helping create the HHL Dean‘s List community have shaped my study experience positively. Without it, I would not have achieved what I did, and I am very grateful to HHL and Stephan Stubner for this opportunity.
The Future Entrepreneur Scholarship Program focuses on prospective Master students who bring their entrepreneurial potential to HHL and who seek to start their own business after graduating from HHL or who have already started it. During their time at HHL the successful applicants will have the opportunity to introduce their business concept in at least one of HHL’s curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 5,000.
Feel free to choose your format
With its Women in Business Scholarship, HHL seeks to support excellent female candidates of all academic and national backgrounds who present with a strong motivation and outstanding professional and academic credentials and who are willing to become active members of the HHL community.
Diversity is a proven driver of innovation. Women@HHL is a progressive approach to support diversity in leadership. With its individual mentoring and coaching, this HHL program supports the next generation of female leaders.
The Master program at HHL is an important step for your future career and personal development. We aim for the highest standards. And we want students to aim for their ideas by doing their best.
With its Young Leipzig Leader Scholarships, HHL offers scholarships that support HHL’s mission to “educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurial business leaders through excellence in teaching, research and practice”.
Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 5,000.
Photo credits:
GdF Scholarship for Women in Business pic 3: Freepik
HHL Young Leader Scholarship pic 4: katemangostar, Freepik